
Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Years Gaming Resolutions

Gaming New Years Resolutions

1. Completing more projects for release through Truly Rural Productions. Goals are a horror themed ezine combined with my own setting release. More WaRP material including something cyberpunk themed.

2. More interaction with other people on social media. I need to socialize somehow to keep my creativity flowing and I don't have much opportunity to do that locally. Specifically with MeWe since that's were a lot of folks migrated.

3. Starting a continuous long running campaign again. All I've done for years is one shots and maybe a string of two or three connected games. I need to run a long term dedicated game of some sort. Not sure if I want to run Cyberpunk 2020, Rapture the Second Coming or Advanced Fighting Fantasy though. Not running it using WaRP as all I can ever find for that system is people who want one shots.

4. Finally, more blog posts. Keeping my blog active is something I used to be good at and I need to get it going once again. A lot of my social media posting will be to set up an audience that I can direct back to my posts.

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  1. Might you want some drawings for the e-zine?

    1. Currently I'm working with open use content and public domain art since I don't have the money to pay others for their art. I'm not one of those 'do it for the exposure' kind of folks either. With the ezine I will be charging a small price for on DrivethruRPG. Hopefully, if it sells well enough, I can roll some of that around into paying other to do some art for it.

    2. OK, I'm willing to work on cool projects just for the fun of it, so if you need something specific I'd be happy to give it a try.
      (re-submitted without missing words)

    3. Thank you I appreciate it and will keep you in mind.
