
Thursday, January 3, 2019

Jaded Gamers - Sla stupidity continues.

Let's get ready to get dumb. Are you ready? Here we go.

Nightfall, a company ran by people who don't want you to remember that they were also in charge of Daruma and screwed their Kickstarter up so bad they had to reform their company AND get another to go in with them to get it rolling again, made an announcement on their KS page.

As Nightfall Games finalise the new publication – SLA Industries: Cannibal Sector 1, we have taken a good look at the contents of the various source materials published to date. As many of you know, a number of these books were produced with little or no input from the creators of SLA Industries and as such do not represent the image, ideals, nor stories of The World of Progress. Additionally, a number of the books have been directly superseded (in whole or part) by the writing in the new book. With this in mind, only the following source books and supplements should be now be considered canon (the official vision of The World of Progress):  
  • SLA Industries Main Rulebook (including all reprints) (ISBN 1 899749 23 3)  
  • Karma (ISBN 1 880992 56 6)  
  • Hunter Sheets Issue 1 (ISBN 978 0 9555423 1 2)  
  • Hunter Sheets Issue 2 (ISBN 978 0 9556497 1 2)  
  • “Klick’s End” Data Packet  
  • “Momic 0.1” Data Packet  
  • "The Dream" Data Packet  
  • "Threat Analysis: Hominid" Data Packet  
  • "Hunters Sheets: Red Alert" Data Packet  
  • SLA Industries GM Screen  
The publications listed below are no longer considered to be an official part of the SLA Industries canon.  
  • Mort Sourcebook (ISBN 0 9522176 6 X)  
  • The Key of Delhyread (ISBN 978-1-899749-24-9)  
  • The Contract Directory (ISBN 978-1-899749-29-4)  
  • Cannibal Sector 1 (ISBN 978 0 9555423 0 5)  
  • “Ursa Carrien” Data Packet  
As such we will be removing these books from sale on DriveThruRPG on the 31st January 2019.
Not only is the a bit of a slap in the face to loyal fans who have been supportive of the game for years on end through broken promises, false starts and a never stopping stream of bullshit. But it also makes no sense from a business sense as it takes five products out of the picture financially.  I understand that they won't be cannon with the new stuff changing things.  But a simple blurb on the cover or a subsection on the Drivethru page labelled 'non-canon' and that's all it would take.

BUT one big thing they are missing out on is that people will still seek these books out to read them.  New fans will want to take a look at all the old stuff. Now instead of having any sort of normal way to acquire them they will go looking for places that offer pirate copies.  Sites that will most likely have pirate copies of their other stuff available for free. Increasing the chances of those fans deciding to save a few bucks and just snag up a free copy of the latest book. They are driving potential fans towards pirating sites. Yeah... not smart.

In the comments sections they Nightfall says:

Also bear in mind that 2nd Edition is in the pipeline now, and it's important that we take steps to set the scene for that, which involves reworking elements of the history of the World of Progress to better suit what the game has become.

Yeah now excuse me while I laugh at the idea of a second edition coming out anytime before my retirement age.  But after that it makes you wonder even more why they are pulling the other books out of the sales slots. How many other games have made previous editions completely obsolete with a 2nd or 3rd edition but still at least have the original material available online for sale.

Then over on RPG dot net I mention the fact that Dave Allsop has said that much of the new setting material won't be available outside of the Cannibal Sector One miniature skirmish game. So if you want all this new updated material you are forced to by a miniature game you may have absolutely zero interest in.  Their reply is:

 Firstly, the new book is 7/8th RPG and 1/8th Miniature.

This is quite a bit different ratio from previous claims and sources. If this is true either that book is going to be huge or the skirmish rules are ultra rules light. Which they aren't, I've seen them playtested at a local shop a couple years back. They also said this about the original CS1 books material:

 The contents of CD, like the rest of Mort will see reimagining in new books.

Again I try to keep from laughing but I can't.  Anytime I see talk of new books for Sla Industries I just roll my eyes.  They have produced so very little and promised so very much over years.  The ONLY time there was hope for a steady stream of releases was when Cubicle 7 took over the property and was moving it forward. But that was killed when Dave Allsop decided to take his ball and go home because they weren't kicking it around the way he thought it should be kicked around.

Also finally I complained about his on Twitter and got this as one response from Nightfall.

Also, please bear in mind that 2nd Edition will be upon us soon, this rendering all 1st Edition books defunct. New period in time. New rules. Lots of new. Really sorry you walked away from the game. I hope you check it out again one day.

Now I wonder if the all the NEW mentioned will be out before or after I hit retirement age?

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If you still want to check out what Nightfall does have up then check out Sla Industries on DrivethruRPG.


  1. Regarding my quote above, on the book, things evolve. and as of now there are 8 chapters. 1 is Miniatures game. And yes the book is big (on a par with Karma and the original Source Book

    For those who want to read more in to this check the updates on the Daruma/Nightfall Kickstarter:

    And here is the RPG Post 'snippeted' in the blog above:

    And Finally the Facebook announcement:

  2. We are now pretty much there on the writing and I can confirm that 1 of 8 chapters of Cannibal Sector 1 will be Miniature game only and that chapter equates to approximately 13% +/- 2% of the total word count. We are expecting the book to be approximately 250 pages +/- 20. Sorry for the variables, but final edit and proofing, then layout is still to be done.

  3. The book ended up being 352 pages. Of which 1 chapter, 42 pages were roleplay specific. Of that 42 approx 3 pages worth was art. So intotal 39 pages of 352: 11%
