
Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Cyberpunk 2020 - Superconsumer part two


With a constant stream of high resolution visuals being streamed into lives of every single person in a city there are bound to be negative consequences. The broadcast of ratings grabbing ultra violence and stories of death, despair and hopelessness coupled with high end subliminal technology and a society that makes acts of barbarism famous has took this to a whole new level.

While it drives sales through the roof and gets people staring at the screen more and more the mental affects are far more dire. At the best it has caused a good majority of the lower and middle class to become apathetic to the plights of others, causal empathy towards living beings is almost a thing of the past. At it's worse the desire to actually physically experience and create horrific events like shown on television has continued to rise. So much that an entire subculture has been generated by those who go down that deep descent.
More than ever violence goes unreported, murders are something that just happen in the minds of the masses. People will walk past a dead man on the street and not call the police but will certainly snap a few pictures to share with their friends. Missing persons lists grow so long there is no way to investigate even a quarter of them. Sexual
assaults are increasing every day across the entire divide of the classes. The crime rate is on a steady tick upwards and nobody seems to really care about it anymore as long as they get to catch a story about it on the news channels later.

Packs of killers. Before most serial killers acted alone in their acts. Knowing full well that nearly everyone else would be horrified by their actions. Now they are fully aware that there are others just like them so they seek them out as somebody who will truly understand. This has led to killers working in groups, planning, staging and the executing complicated killings with a manner they hope will grab the attention of the news. These groups of been named “Colligates” by the media and law enforcement. While the individual members are being called “Kindred”.

The real dark web. As more and more Colligates form across the country they began reaching out onto the net as well. Forming their own private Data Fortresses hidden beneath the cover of legitimate appearing locations or so deeply hidden that most people would never venture there while jacked in. These are where the Kindred can meet up and discuss their plans, brag about their kills, exchange information and even set up real world events for themselves.

Theater for the macabre. Colligates that have been successful and generated their own dark reputations have began to catch a bit of theatrical flair. They will plan out an event centered around the torture and killing of several individuals at once. For these they will invite other Kindred to come and watch as an audience. They have found the remains of these such spectacles in abandoned theaters, warehouses, parking garages and subway tunnels. The dead left for the police to pick up after their trophies have been collected. These events have been called “Clandestine Spectacles” by the Kindred themselves.

Hooks on how to work this into your games.

A corporate has had a family member taken by a Colligate to be used in a Clandestine Spectacle. Thankfully they had an implanted locator chip but the police are to busy to look into it. So they have a Fixer quickly hire a group of edgerunners to get their loved one back.

A Colligate has been killing members of the neighborhood where one of the edgerunners lives. This is attracting a bit of unwanted attention and making it harder for them to get around easily because of the police presence cleaning up the mess. So it's up to them to stop the Kindred involved to get their relative peace and quiet back.

One of the edgerunners has become the target or a Colligate. For the next few weeks they will be followed at a distance, their home monitored and information about them being gathered. Since they are not a normal drone the runner will get a chance to notice this all going on around them before they are ready to actually move in for the kill. If they don't... well they may find themselves outnumbered in a well planned kill.

One of the kindred Datafortresses has been hacked and the names of several members has been made public. There are now rewards on the heads of many of them by those who have lost family and friends to them. So time for the edgerunners to hit the streets and earn as many of those bounties as they can.

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For more dark and twisted material to work into your Cyberpunk 2020 games check out Dark Metropolis from Dream Pod 9.


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