
Sunday, July 29, 2018

Jaded Gamer Diary - 2 pdf releases that make me happy

A couple of pdf releases that have my interest over on DrivethruRPG at the moment. 

Atlas Games releasing older Over the Edge books.

With the new edition of Over the Edge up on Kickstarter right now (which I'm less than excited about) Atlas Games has decided to move the pdfs of all the books for the older editions over.  So this means I'll finally at least have a digital copy of a couple that I missed out on back in the day.  Also the pricing on them is pretty low to boot.

Preorders for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition

With WFRP moving back towards a standard RPG design instead of the bit, bobbles and parts style of 3rd edition many people are happy.  I now a lot of folks are looking forward to this especially after Zweihander which got more folks looking into this type of grim dark fantasy design.

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