
Sunday, December 10, 2017

Roll a D20 - Magical Masks.

Sometimes a mask is more than a mask.  Roll a twenty sider and give a mask a special ability that is occasionally a bit outside of the norm of most magical items.  Presented system free so charges, uses, etc are not listed.

(picture source)
  1. Silent and forgotten. Whenever you are wearing the mask and being silent nobody notices or remembers you as you pass through.
  2. The Thieves Friend. Anyone who is a trained thief has their ability to detect traps and secret passages increased.
  3. Word of God. Any person of strong devotional faith (cleric, priest, etc) who speaks to the flock while wearing this has the ability to sway them to do whatever they say.
  4. Relax. While wearing the mask anybody is automatically calmer, doesn't panic and succeeds automatically at any tests of morale, fear, etc.
  5. Nightmare Fuel. Those around you that gaze upon the mask are filled with a since of fear and dread. They will avoid you at all costs and have nightmares about you that night.
  6. You Again. People see you as someone they saw previously that day
  7. Readers Delight. When you view other written common languages they are translated over in to the language you are most fluent in.
  8. Golden Voice. You gain the ability to sing extremely well, equal to that of many famous bards. It does not, however, help you remember the lyrics.
  9. Listen Well. If you concentrate you can listen in on any conversation within the room you are in.
  10. Death Is Among Us. When you look upon something undead you see a black thick smoke pouring from them.
  11. Loving Memories. Whenever you talk to somebody they suddenly have memories of you being their long lost lover who they will do nearly anything for.
  12. Watch Your Back. You can see as if you have eyes in the back of your head along with your regular vision. Will require some practice to get used to this.
  13. Finely Dressed. An illusion is cast and you appear to be dressed in the finest clothing.
  14. Steady On. You cannot be disoriented, magically confused, or lose your sense of direction.
  15. Easily Rested. Any time you are able to relax or simply not be physically active counts as sleep and helps you feel refreshed.
  16. Silence The Lies. When anyone tells a lie all you can hear is muffled noises.
  17. Not So Silent. You hear the sound of jingling bells whenever anyone is trying to sneak up on you.
  18. Open Mouth. The mouth of the mask can be opened up and acts like a bag of holding. Only works while you are wearing it.
  19. Side Stepped. People who look at you actually see you a few inches off from where you really are. Makes it very hard to be hit with missile weapons.
  20. Memory Bank. You can focus and store a memory into the mask, the next person who puts it on then gains that memory.

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