Who is the cult leader in the small town, the one no one would expect?
1 – The young popular science teacher at the middle school.
2 – Owner of the home-style bakery that opened up a couple years ago.
3 – The police dispatcher that helps organize the Christmas toy drive every year.
4 – That old guy who is always panhandling at a couple different intersections in town.
5 – The kindly old lady who has run that fabric and craft store in town for decades.
6 – The garbage collector.
7 – The guy who always seems to be working the counter at a local convenience store.
8 – The nice old man who sits at the local diner all the time talking about what he did “after the war”.
9 – A popular high school cheerleader who seems very shallow about everything.
10 – The town drunk who spends a lot of nights in the local jail sobering up.